
12 Wishes for Christmas – #7

#7 – Each day of the next 365 days may a few more people begin to understand that the kind of food you eat affects the kind of consciousness you can have. The condition of the perceptual equipment affects the quality of the signals you pick up and give off.

Killing Us Off vs. the Transfer of Money

Millions of people believe that the New World Order is trying to kill us off and reduce the population. And maybe they are. But behind every single wacky assault – from Bird Flu to Zika virus, the real goal is to have an excuse to transfer money.  Millions of dollars have gone into “research” of Bird Flu, and billions into Zika “research.” Who really got this money? I doubt that any workers got a raise just because the government was handing out emergency money. I’m sure the labs who received some of this money felt more secure, but who got the biggest chunk?

An even bigger money transfer game is climate change. Google the question, “How much money has been spent on climate change?” and just look at the first page of search results. Shocking! The amount was $21.4 billion in 2014, which was a little less than was spent in 2013.

That’s about $43 billion in only two years. Has the climate changed? Yes. Did the government do it? No. Where has the climate changed? It’s gotten cooler in a lot of places that were too hot, and warmer in a lot of places that were too cold. Record cold and incredible snows are occurring in northern Europe, across Russia and China, and down into Saudi Arabia. All of that is on the other side of the world. Meanwhile, record warmth has been occurring in America and Greenland.

If one side of the planet is suddenly cooler, and the other side is suddenly warmer, and natives of the Arctic and Greenland are saying the sun is coming over the horizon earlier than normal in the spring, then does it make sense that the planet may have rolled a little? Yes. Did the government make that happen? I doubt it. I know the government likes to think it is all-powerful, but if there is any climate change, they didn’t do it and neither did we ‘ordinary’ humans.

On the other hand, has there been a change in our environment? Yes. Why? Because we are tearing up our own home. Does it make any sense to keep dumping millions of tons of waste into the ocean when the oceans feed more than half of us? Does it make sense to build mega-cities in low-lying areas or in areas where there isn’t good air flow? Does it make sense to run miles of fragile oil pipelines across the landscape when we know that small earthquakes can and do happen regularly around the entire planet, shifting things about? Does it make sense to ruin the rivers, creeks, and streams so that the only clean water we can get is immature water from underground? Does it make sense to cut down forest after forest when we know that trees provide oxygen for us? Does it make sense to pour millions of tons of poisons and heavy metals onto our soils and then grow our food in it? Does it make sense to eat factory-made foods with no nutrition in them? Does it make sense to keep using oil when we have access to plasma?

We need to wise up and sort things out. Most of the stuff we accuse the government of doing to kill us off may be mostly something they dreamed up to transfer money among themselves. Much of what we call ‘climate change’ is really destruction of the planet’s systems that support our lives. No wonder the planet has rolled over! Thank god she hasn’t rolled into her grave. We need an entirely new way of living if we want to survive our own mess!

Life in These Times – Gun Control or Decent Food?

Back in the 1920s, a dentist named Dr. Weston Price and many of his colleagues noticed that animals did not seem to be as healthy and resistant to disease as they had once been. They also noticed that people were losing teeth – sometimes ALL their teeth – to cavities and infection, tuberculosis was rampant, mental retardation was spreading, and crime was rising. Price and his colleagues wracked their brains and did all sorts of laboratory tests and research to identify the bacterial invader. It took them over ten years to ask the question, “Is it possible that, rather than the presence of invading bacteria, maybe something is missing?”

In an effort to answer this question, Price then did something remarkable. He searched out cultures and tribes around the globe that had never adopted the Western white man’s diet of white flour, white sugar, canned and processed foods, and alcohol. Taking a team of nurses, dental assistants, stenographers, and photographers with him, he visited these cultures, took complete medical histories, photographs, made detailed observations of lifestyles and attitudes, and researched the foods they were eating to see what was in it.

Price’s work was stunning in its methodology and conclusions. No one has done anything as seminal since then. What he showed again and again was that nutrition was as central and critical to psychology, attitude, intelligence, maturation and human development as it was to bone structure, blood and organ function, immunity, and physical health. As the nutritional quality of food fell, so did consciousness and the health of the human being.

As food became more and more depleted, inflammation, anxiety, depression, frustration, anger, and indifference skyrocketed. As these feelings spread, we lost the feeling of community within families as well as in towns and cities. Competition overtook the former attitudes of cooperation and helpfulness. People were always tired – too tired to do what needed to be done to survive…which gave rise to exactly the cultural mindset necessary for the rise of the corporation and “the job.”  All you had to do was show up regularly and you could collect money to buy things instead of making them. Self-sufficiency was lost, along with creativity and freedom.

Now here we are, 100 years later, arguing about guns and whether we need gun control laws. If you set aside the fact that the government has had a finger in almost all of the big, media-shouted shootings…and you set aside the fact that some other countries have twice as many guns and don’t have the kind of shootings or murders we have here in the U.S…you are left with one question: What is going on in our people that we have degenerated into killing one another?

Some years ago a school in Wisconsin with sky-high violence, poor graduation rates, failing test scores, and student apathy took out all of the fast food lunches and reinstalled a full kitchen with cooks making real meat, potato, vegetable, dairy, bread, and fruit meals. The violence stopped, the test scores rose dramatically along with graduation rates, and students took a real interest in learning and in what others thought or had learned.

In the school of life in these United States, the question we have to face is not whether we need gun control, it is whether we need to return to real food. Consciousness, which is the core of reality for each individual, is not maintained by passing legal rules, it is maintained by high-nutrition food with high levels of enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. Healthy people cannot be easily manipulated, do not need anti-depressants, do not avoid work, and do not easily give up self-determination. If we are going to survive as a nation or even as a people, the first thing we must do is return to real food. Without this, we will not have the clarity, will, or stamina to fix what must be fixed. And we do have some fixing up ahead.

Perceptions and questions these days…

Have we forgotten our manners? What kind of arrogance goes so far as to make anyone think they have the right to bomb someone’s car or home?!

What a difference Mendocino CA is from other places in the world! They have voted in a law that says each of us has the right to self-governance, and that such a  right is primary over big government. This reminds me that all government governs by the consent of the governed.

In sorting out the uproar over Luxembourg as a tax haven my thoughts ran like this… “Yeah…so what? There have always been tax havens…I’d want a tax haven too, if I had money. Why shouldn’t they have an opportunity to get away from government and all those stupid taxes?” But then I started thinking a little deeper, and my thoughts shifted. “Probably most of the people with money are the big businessmen running the government… you’d think they would be smart enough to take down laws that impose so many taxes… but if they took down tax laws, how would they impose taxes on us – the so-called common people who work our buns off and have so little to show for it partly because we have to pay so many taxes… come to think of it, why should they be able to hide money when we can’t? It’s not fair! How dare they try to sneak money into tax havens!!”

A friend was complaining about the takeover by the Republicans in our recent elections. “Don’t worry,” I said to him. “In two years people will be running the Republicans out of town and replacing them with Democrats, which probably won’t do any good because there’s no difference between them. Nothing is going to get better until people wake up and realize that the two-party system is nothing but a distraction from the real work of running one’s life, making wise decisions, helping your neighbor, and keeping your word.”

Speaking of Republicans, government has now spilled so far out of bounds that it has become a shapeless, useless, meaningless glob of rules that contradict themselves in every direction. Government should be about wise leadership for a group. A government that is running drugs, food systems, businesses, prison systems, education, the climate, and medicine is no longer government, it’s a  disaster!