
Ch. 1, America—Breeding Ground for Psychopaths?

“It is 10:30 a.m. in central Florida. Beads of sweat drip from the foreheads of tourists waiting in long, winding lines at Disneyworld for an exciting ride on the Submarine Nautilus. Less than 10 miles away, 9-year-old Jeffery Bailey Jr. is also waiting. He is waiting for his young companion to die. After making sure that no one else is around, Jeffery has pushed 3-year-old Ricardo “Nicki” Brown into the deep end of a motel pool. He knows the younger child cannot swim and is afraid of the water.

“It is taking Nicki a long time to die. Jeffery gets tired of standing, so he pulls up a lawn chair to the edge of the pool. He wants a better view of how someone drowns. Jeffery stays by the pool until Nicki sinks to the bottom, lifeless. Then he puts on his shoes and shirt and saunters toward home.

“A short time later he asks another neighborhood child what the “icky white stuff” is that comes out of someone’s nose when they’re drowning. He doesn’t mention that Nicki is at this moment lying at the bottom of a pool.

“Nicki’s body is recovered from the pool at 6:40 p.m. by the police. Later, after neighborhood children have told Jeffery’s mother about the drowning, the youngster tells his mother about the “accident.” (Kissimmee Police Department, June 3, 1986)

Police officer Beth Peturka who investigated the case says she found Jeffery “kind of nonchalant, like he was enjoying all the attention.” On June 3, 1986, the State of Florida charges 9-year-old Jeffery with murder.”   —from  High Risk – Children Without a Conscience by Dr. Ken Magid and Carole A. McKelvey

I knew there was corruption, but I didn’t know how ugly, and I can’t help thinking about those lost children. How many parents and families put out photos of their missing babies, searching, hoping, but never seeing them again? What sort of agony must they be going through as they wonder, ‘Was it my little one among those who fell into the hands of the Clintons?’

I did not get much sleep last night. I would wake, weep, and then go back into a very restless state of half asleep, half awake. Few things get to me the way the corruption of Hillary Clinton and her team of psychopaths has. When something upsets me, I usually go inside to work on myself until I arrive at a new balance point and in the process, I learn something useful about life.  It is not often that I allow myself to get vividly angry.

The definition of a psychopath is one who is not bonded to anyone else, and is superficially very charming then suddenly explosively enraged. Someone with psychopathic characteristics is cruel, controlling, remorseless, tends to be impulsive without relying on common sense, and is given to primary process lying (which is continuing to lie even when it is blatantly obvious that they are not telling the truth). They are often very smooth and manage to project exactly what they are doing onto others, thus shifting the blame and responsibility to everyone but themselves. We have a government of pathological control-freaks and psychopaths.

I’m sure that I will be able to find that elusive balance point eventually, maybe when I am done grieving, but for right now… in spite of the fact that I keep trying to tell myself that maybe the reports coming out about the Clintons are not true…I’m so angry, so sad… for us, for those who have been raped, murdered, or defrauded…for the people of our country…for the people of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and other countries invaded and destroyed by our crazies…for our future…and for the way the Clinton/Bush/Rockefeller/Soros machine just keeps marching ahead, media in hand, as if nothing has happened…as if we are going to fall in line as we usually do. How pathetic and stupid of them. I’m so ashamed of what passes for “government” here in the U.S. and for the way the rest of the world must be looking at us.

I worry, if I am so deeply angry about this, what are other people feeling? Three hundred million angry people would be a lot of anger. What are we going to do with all that anger? Anger is change energy that has not been allowed to go anywhere. How do we channel that energy into something better than what we’ve had for the last few decades?

Life in These Times – Gun Control or Decent Food?

Back in the 1920s, a dentist named Dr. Weston Price and many of his colleagues noticed that animals did not seem to be as healthy and resistant to disease as they had once been. They also noticed that people were losing teeth – sometimes ALL their teeth – to cavities and infection, tuberculosis was rampant, mental retardation was spreading, and crime was rising. Price and his colleagues wracked their brains and did all sorts of laboratory tests and research to identify the bacterial invader. It took them over ten years to ask the question, “Is it possible that, rather than the presence of invading bacteria, maybe something is missing?”

In an effort to answer this question, Price then did something remarkable. He searched out cultures and tribes around the globe that had never adopted the Western white man’s diet of white flour, white sugar, canned and processed foods, and alcohol. Taking a team of nurses, dental assistants, stenographers, and photographers with him, he visited these cultures, took complete medical histories, photographs, made detailed observations of lifestyles and attitudes, and researched the foods they were eating to see what was in it.

Price’s work was stunning in its methodology and conclusions. No one has done anything as seminal since then. What he showed again and again was that nutrition was as central and critical to psychology, attitude, intelligence, maturation and human development as it was to bone structure, blood and organ function, immunity, and physical health. As the nutritional quality of food fell, so did consciousness and the health of the human being.

As food became more and more depleted, inflammation, anxiety, depression, frustration, anger, and indifference skyrocketed. As these feelings spread, we lost the feeling of community within families as well as in towns and cities. Competition overtook the former attitudes of cooperation and helpfulness. People were always tired – too tired to do what needed to be done to survive…which gave rise to exactly the cultural mindset necessary for the rise of the corporation and “the job.”  All you had to do was show up regularly and you could collect money to buy things instead of making them. Self-sufficiency was lost, along with creativity and freedom.

Now here we are, 100 years later, arguing about guns and whether we need gun control laws. If you set aside the fact that the government has had a finger in almost all of the big, media-shouted shootings…and you set aside the fact that some other countries have twice as many guns and don’t have the kind of shootings or murders we have here in the U.S…you are left with one question: What is going on in our people that we have degenerated into killing one another?

Some years ago a school in Wisconsin with sky-high violence, poor graduation rates, failing test scores, and student apathy took out all of the fast food lunches and reinstalled a full kitchen with cooks making real meat, potato, vegetable, dairy, bread, and fruit meals. The violence stopped, the test scores rose dramatically along with graduation rates, and students took a real interest in learning and in what others thought or had learned.

In the school of life in these United States, the question we have to face is not whether we need gun control, it is whether we need to return to real food. Consciousness, which is the core of reality for each individual, is not maintained by passing legal rules, it is maintained by high-nutrition food with high levels of enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. Healthy people cannot be easily manipulated, do not need anti-depressants, do not avoid work, and do not easily give up self-determination. If we are going to survive as a nation or even as a people, the first thing we must do is return to real food. Without this, we will not have the clarity, will, or stamina to fix what must be fixed. And we do have some fixing up ahead.

The Shiny, Red Prius and I

A month ago I was driving home from Kalamazoo with my son, Nathan. Traffic was very heavy, and I had to get into the lane to my left or I would have been stuck in a ‘turn right only’ lane. There was just enough room, so I put my blinker on and pulled over. However, the instant I put my blinker on, a bright, shiny red Prius tried to speed up to try to block me from getting over. The driver literally laid on the horn, but I kept merging, thinking, “No…I need to get over now…and there’s enough room…”

I drove along for a few miles and through several more traffic lights, noticing that the shiny new Prius was RIGHT on my bumper. When it was time for me to turn, the Prius turned right with me and I thought, “Oh, she’s going in the same direction I’m going!” There was a second right turn I was supposed to make, but I missed it because it was sooner than I expected, so I went down the street to the next right turn, thinking I would have to find a spot to turn around. When I made that second right turn, the Prius was still right behind me. I noticed this but was busy looking for a place to turn around.

I spotted a driveway and turned left into it. I put the car in reverse and started to back up just as I looked in the rear view mirror – and just as the woman in the bright red Prius laid on the horn again. I slammed on my brakes to avoid backing into her and naively thought, “Oh! I wonder if she lives here and wants to get in her driveway.” She was still laying on the horn and her car was half-turned, which left her blocking both lanes of traffic. She had me pinned in, so I sat there thinking, “Lady, how can I get out of your way when you’ve got me blocked in?”

At that point Nathan became irritated. He snapped, “Mom, she’s been following you for miles!” then hopped out of the car and went back to yell at the woman in the red Prius. She was a big, blonde woman who opened her car window and the two of them began a shouting match. The windows of my car were barely open so I could hear the loud voices, but I couldn’t make out what was being said. When the shouting match went on long enough to stop several cars in both directions, I got out of my car to see if I could calm things down. But the woman in the red Prius suddenly jammed her car in reverse and took off, special finger high in the air, her words trailing back at me, “Get off the roads…you’re dangerous!”

When I was finally back home again, I reflected on the whole incident. How could that woman have been so angry that she would follow me for miles, intending to…to what? Yell at me? Why would anyone be so upset at not being able to position themselves 20 feet farther ahead on the road that they would irrationally drive miles out of their way to try to punish the imaginary offender?

In the end, I realized that Americans are ridiculously, dangerously angry. I see it in the way people treat one another as if everyone is an enemy, a threat, or a competitor. I hear it in the way people talk to one another with demanding, disdainful or imperious tones and words. I witness it in the way people act out their vengeance, their greed, their selfishness, their fear. I feel it in the arrogance and the automatic assumptions that others bear us nothing but ill-will and judgment.

At this point, probably half of the anger is the unrelenting corruption that everyone is swimming in and doesn’t know what to do with. The other half is the diet that people eat that has no nutrition in it. Without plenty of magnesium, you will not want to be touched physically and will become defensive and angry if someone touches you. Without calcium, you will be fatigued, irritable, and impatient. Without potassium, you will not be able to perceive correctly what is really going on around you and will be unable to stay ‘present.’ Without sodium chloride, you will not be able to recognize patterns or put facts together in a way that alerts you as to proper behavior. Without zinc you literally will have dim sensory input from this reality and will spend an inordinate amount of time in daydreams or outright delusions. Without iron, you will not want to move your body, thus exercise never happens and frustration builds up. And these are only the 6 major minerals. What happens when the major vitamins and the many trace minerals needed are not present either? You get criminal behavior!

How can we work together – cooperate, collaborate, communicate – to build a new world if we are all angry? People are NOT bad, they are just sick, mostly from malnutrition. When we are healthy, we are naturally joyful and at peace within the self and with one another. Whether the internet goes down or not, whether the financial system crashes or not, if we want a new world that works better, we’re gonna have to get some real food into us…food without GMOs, Round-up, or other harmful stuff in it…and that’s just a start. A new world means a lot of personal responsibility!